Restaurant and bar management in an intelligent way. Harnessing the power of blockchain to connect the food industry players all the way from the suppplier, to the transportation of the ingredients, to the restaurant preparing the meal to the customer. Automating management in all the steps.

A practical and simple way to manage your restaurbar, directly from your phone and tablet. Eliminating the need for clutered computers and payment terminals.

Order control

Table control

Delivery management

Waiter Management

- Manage your waiters in real time

- Add waiters instantly to start working

- 3 Types of waiters

Type 1: Waiter Admin - Access to all app functionalities

Type 2: Waiter Manager - Send orders, close the checks, manage the tables and receive payment

Type 3: Quick Waiter - Waiter can only send orders, have someone dedicated to take orders for efficient order taking. Useful for when the house is full


1. Sales reports

2. Visualize expenses and sales

3. Analyze which products are selling the most, seasonal analysis and focus advertisting on what sells the most

4. Supplier integration can make your purchases faster and easier, at competitive prices

Menu Management

1. Intelligent Stock - Manage your stock in an automated way. Create rules for alerts and automatic ordering to suppliers when low on stock.

2. The waiter is notified if an item is no longer in stock, like a certain plate or beverage, that way you don't have to come back and tell the customer you no longer have it.

3. Changes in real time - Change the price, availability, add and remove items in real time. It all syncs with the other devices.

Expense and Sales Control

1. Add an expense with stock control. Bought more water bottles? Register it as an expense, automatically adding the quantity to stock and added to expense reports.

2. Register future expenses - Have to pay an item in 15 days? We'll remind you.

Suppliers - The core product

1. Search for suppliers of anything food related. Local producers, distributers, beverages and order directly from the app

2. Compare prices, distances and time for delivery

3. Integration with your stock manager will make it easier to prevent you running out of ingredients and beverages. Add customized rules. For example, add a rule for when water bottles reach 15, automatically send an order to your favorite supplier, based on price or distance.

Mesou was born in 2019 at a restaurant due to a computer problem at the beginning of peak hours and the current management system took 3 hours to be reinstalled via remote access by the company. Management systems must be simple and easy to use, and in the era of smartphones, everything has to be in the palm of your hand. It was the beginning of working together with the restaurant and a programmer. To understand the operational needs and developing functionalities to wait tables all via smartphones, in real time. From then on it was expanding to deliveries, stock control, menu, reports, suppliers and much more.

Our Mission

Connect the food industry players in a unified, low-cost network, bringing more competitiveness, opportunities and turn the economy around after the pandemic, breaking the monopoly that exists today in the Brazilian market, offering high performance and low cost services, to motivate entrepreneurs who wish to embark in the food industry. It's not just about preparing good food, but also about managing it correctly to grow the business

Current Operations

We are currently operating in 4 resturants and bars in Brazil, seeking to expand operations. We have received very positive feedback in regards to pricing and application features. By harnessing blockchain tech, we can create a low-cost application to increase efficiency in the entire food supply chain

Comes Token

The Comes token is a utility token on the Mesou platform. It will be used as an incentive currency in network for purchasing products, services, promotions, discounts and operational costs. Initially, 2 million tokens will be created, sold at 1 USDC per token as a seed round of investment where it will provide us with the possibility of expanding with marketing, sales, operations, support and development on demand. Mesou is currently operating in 4 different niches for validation, all of which have been successful for over 1 year. He is part of the management of a fishing ranch, a burguer joint, a brewery factory bar and a restaurant/bar. These 4 customers provided us with very positive feedback regarding ease and agility in the operation and management of their businesses. The next goal is to start operations integrating with suppliers and intelligent inventory, adding more value to the platform and further automating business management. The tokens will also act as dividends after 2 years, profits will be divided proportionally to wallets that hold the Comes token.
